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Unread Oct 11th, 2006, 07:56 pm
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: any suggestions?

I see that you have some discipline problems...

I know that you are new to teaching and that they are young but you need to be a little strict especially when you have just started teaching. If your co-worker says that they will deal with it then you have to worry about it more (if they are an easy going teacher to the kids)! You can't let the kids misbehave in class. Sure some students won't like it but after a few times of this then they will start to get the picture and focus more.

I use a system of points but you can get some stickers too. Students get points for giving me answers, for singing loudly, for winning a game and most importantly showing a good attitude. After gettting 10 points, they get a sticker/point and after so many points then they can get some prize (small toy or candy etc). This is a great motivational factor which should help your class. Kids need motivation more than university or adult students because they clearly know why they are studying English. Elementary kids don't have an idea so some form of sticker/points system will get their attention.

Best of luck!
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