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Unread Oct 7th, 2006, 01:02 am
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Default Re: How do you answer tough grammar questions?

If the student is really stuck then I will answer it (depending on how difficult it is). Usually I don't answer questions about grammar as they know a lot more about that than me and I am a "conversational English teacher" so I tell them that and I am honest with them in saying that "I am not a grammar teacher."

If there are two different sentences and they want to know which one is right then I tell them which one is familar to me. I say something like "In English we say this..." or "You can say both of these but the second one is more popular than the first one."

I know that it's not right and that I should work on my grammar skills more but I think that fluency is more important sometimes than accuracy. I don't want them to get stuck on grammar too much
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