Re: Showtime! For children I have used mostly Pixar or Disney films (A Shark's Tale, Shrek, Monster's House etc). I have a small collection of them and show them usually at the end of the term or during summer and winter camps.
I don't show them movies often because they have small movies on the cd which we do in English class every week which is part of their curriclum. I had an advanced class and we watched 'Matilda' and I got some notes and ideas from a movie website that caters for showing movies to children and provides lesson plans. It's a paying website but some time ago it provided free samples and 'Matilda' was there so I printed it off and used it in class. It was a little difficult for the kids but some of them got it.
For adults I have only shown "SuperSize Me" a couple of years ago. Mostly I teach company classes and they only want to study and reacted a little negatively to me showing them movies. Since then I have only show kids movies. |