Hello again,
Just thought I would create a new thread for my research on the limits of part-time work while in Japan for those on a dependant visa.
So far, it looks like full-time work in Japan in ESL is actually less hours than what a part-time worker could work. Potentially I could apply for full-time teaching positions and it would still be fewer hours than the upper limit. This is according to this document(
http://www.ilo.org/public/english/pr...heets/wt-4.pdf, right on the first page. Japan, part-time work, maximum of 35 hours. It would seem that if someone were to hire someone like me on what they consider full-time work as an ESL teacher, it would still fall under part-time hours and thus be legal on all fronts. I'm gonna keep digging as it seems to good to be true.
(to be continued)