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Unread Sep 8th, 2006, 09:23 pm
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: How many people feel 'homesick'?

I have been in Korea now for two and a half years (to be exact!). I love it here but at times like everybody else I feel a little homesick. I chat on messanger a lot of my friends and family back home. It's always good to keep in touch.

I plan to stay here for another couple of years until I finish my masters in TEFL. That will finish in 2009 so I think by then the wife and I will want to live in Europe for a while. Also we will want to start a family then I think. Of course the main question is will we be able to make as much here (business and company classes) as we would make in Europe? I am hoping to get some good university job teaching English and the Masters should help a long way towards that.
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