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Unread Sep 2nd, 2006, 09:17 pm
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Default Re: Teaching 3-6 year olds - Help me!

Also, every lesson doesn't have to be English focused. You can do a lot of things like coloring or playdough where English isn't the main focus. Then you can ask the kids questions about their work afterward like 'what color is it?' or 'what is it?'.

two hours for that age everyday is intense. i would consider making a routine for yourself. this structure will help the kids through that 2 hour period if they know that after coloring is a game and after that it's singing, etc...

i'd make a schedule like this:
9:00 - 9:15 - song
9:15- 9:25 - story book
9:25 - 9:35 - ???

that way your day will be much easier to plan and the kids will start to anticipate certain parts of the lesson.
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