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Unread Aug 23rd, 2006, 07:22 pm
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Default Re: 'Pirated' ESL material?

Quote clivehawkins
Hi there,
Interesting question. I don't know what it's like in other countries but here in Italy I just go and see the publisher's rep with a written request for books, cds etc and he hands them over. Therefore pirated material doesn't really come into it.
However, if you can't get hold of what you need and tomorrow's exam is looming, well, what's the harm?

It wouldn't be such a bad idea for publishers such as Macmillan, Oxford etc to have teachers sign up who could then access an audio database. What does anyone else think?
That sounds like a good idea. Teacher's could sign up and listen then and maybe get some updates about new books. Actually it would be a great way for the Publishers to advertise as well as the teacher's will be picking the books for the students!!
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