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Unread Jan 30th, 2011, 09:38 pm
Supperman Supperman is offline
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Default Re: Leaning Tower of Pisa

Quote clevermae View Post
I think your english is enough to understand. "Suggestion" maybe it's right to be more confident in speaking english, don't bother to speak as long as you feel it is good!
Thank you very much for your reply.
I understand your suggestion, and I will practice it from now.

I'm very happy to know that my sentences make sense, maybe as international communication language.

Yet, I wonder that my English must be "weird" or "unnatural".
I believe that native-English speaking people can recognize my English as "non-native's English".

Suppose that I were your brother who is a native-English speaker, spoke those sentences with PERFECT pronunciation, with PERFECT natural speed, and with full of confidence,
don't you think that your brother's gotten speaking disability?

If so, I wanted you to show me more natural wording to mean the same context....
I would like to know points where you natives would thought them as "wired".

For example, collocation mistakes, matching of formal-and-informal, matching of spoken-or-written, and grammar as well.

This is what I thought for the first time, but my English question sentence was so poor that I couldn't convey exactly what I was in mind.

Thank you, for reading, and for your patience.
BTW, I just found your homepage which seems fantastic to me, and I'll try it.

Thank you again!

Last edited by Supperman : Jan 31st, 2011 at 05:27 am. Reason: a grammatical error, add information
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