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Unread Jan 6th, 2011, 03:10 am
Supperman Supperman is offline
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Default resembles/resemble

Please forgive me, if this is silly question. I've forgotten basic English grammar.

Which do you choose, resembles or resemble?
I think No. 1, 2, 3, and 5 are correct, because the subject seems to be plural in 1,2,3 and the subject seems to be single in No.5.

I wonder No.4 is also correct or not. Please teach me.

1. "Hi, you resemble each other. Are you brothers?"

2. "I met Mr. Smith and Mr. Beans. They resemble each other."

3. "Mr. Smith and Mr. Beans resemble each other."

4. "Mr. Smith and Mr. Beans resembles each other."

5. "Mr. beans resembles Mr. Smith."
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