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Unread Nov 19th, 2010, 01:11 am
eaturcheese eaturcheese is offline
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Default Re: first time teaching almost 3 year olds

Quote sanjajerem View Post
Since my 3 y olds attend english speaking kindergarten they already know pretty much: almost all farm animals, head, shoulders...,..So I am finding it hard to choose the target language for the next class that would be appropriate for their age AND their current knowledge.
Have you thought about using other children's stories like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears? You can introduce Big and Little along with animals, food, furniture. You can teach colors together with animals or shapes (blue bird, yellow triangle, black cat). You can try teaching basic yes or no questions. Just build on the vocabulary that they already know.

And there's nothing that says you can't teach them new vocabulary. Verbs are fun, and you can play something like Simon Says with kids. It's also a good way to tire them out for a sit down activity.

Are you a cat? No, I'm not. Are you a girl? Yes, I am. Do you like pizza? Yes, I do.

If they study English already, they are probably parroting simple sentences. My just turned 3 yo and her 5 yo brother are completely different in ability level, but she will repeat what I say and can say Yes and No. This is with no previous English. Sounds like your students are well ahead of them.
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