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Unread Nov 5th, 2010, 12:33 am
eaturcheese eaturcheese is offline
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Default Re: first time teaching almost 3 year olds


I use trump cards to teach numbers, colors (sort of), and body parts.

Numbers: Using 1-10 cards, count together with the kids and deal one card for each number. When the number said matches the number dealt, kids can slap the pile (for older kids, I take away a card away every time they slap incorrectly).

Colors: I deal one card to each kid (or one for the whole group). They have to say Red or Black and guess the next card. You can continue until they guess one wrong, or deal one card each round. You can also do this with numbers and have them guess High or Low.

Body Parts: My friends call this "Funny Faces." Kids get a piece of paper (or you can draw a face on the blackboard) and pick two cards, one from the trump deck and the other with a body part on it. Black=big, red=small. Prompt them to say the vocab then draw it.

These are pretty straightforward and easy to demonstrate. You can probably think of a few others, but with kids under 5, it's better to hold onto the cards rather than let them hold them. My rule is "Keep them on the desk in front of you."
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