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Unread Nov 2nd, 2010, 12:23 am
eaturcheese eaturcheese is offline
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Default Re: first time teaching almost 3 year olds

Sanjajerem and Beatrix,

I know the sometimes frustrating feeling of trying to teach pre-school aged children and getting nothing back from them. Some don't like dancing, some are crazy about dancing. They can barely speak their native language, and then we get to come in and make English noises at them.

For games, I try to stick to the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Touch games, Karuta (Japanese card slap game, I say *monkey*, kids slap that card), what's missing?, matching games, simple gestures, etc. I do it as a group activity and try not to have winners or losers. Safety in numbers. The dice game sounds like a good example. A deck of playing cards can be used in so many ways.

For songs, I use what could be called chants. There is a list of vocabulary or a simple sentence repeated over and over again in rhythm. I like Seven Steps, Head-Shoulder-Knees-and Toes, and the Rainbow Song (Red and yellow and pink and green...). You can take any vocabulary, put it to a rhythm, and make it into a song.

For topics, I like all to teach colors, numbers, shapes, animals, food, and body parts.

I hope this is helpful. Good luck!
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