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Unread Nov 1st, 2010, 12:29 pm
Tanialoves Tanialoves is offline
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Default Re: articles with such and rather

Thank you, Susan, for the explanations. You are as always helpful.

Speaking about countable and uncountable nouns, I would like you to explain the use of fruit and fish then. Dictionaries say that these nouns are both countable and uncountable.

fruit - [countable/uncountable] a type of food that grows on trees or plants. It tastes sweet and contains seeds or a stone. Apples and oranges are fruit. Ripe fruit is ready to eat.

fish - [countable] an animal that lives in water and swims. It breathes by using its gills and moves by using its tail and fins. Saltwater fish live in the sea and freshwater fish live in rivers and lakes
Little silver fish swam past.
Did you catch any fish?
Kenny keeps tropical fish.

Thank you.

Last edited by Tanialoves : Nov 1st, 2010 at 03:26 pm.
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