Re: Game to practice feelings/emotions and the verb to be Nice. You can adapt this for lots of lexical fields and to incorporate more structures - for example with adults : everyone in the class has the name of a job on a post-it stuck on their back. They mingle and can ask the other students (who obviously can look at the post-it) Yes/No questions : Do I work outside? Do I use a computer? Do I drive a bus? Am I an astronaut? etc etc (brainstorm a list of possible questions before you start). When they guess the job they take of the post-it but continue answering questions from the others until everyone has gussed.
Or it can be the name of a famous person (Do I live in Hollywood? Am I a politician? Have I ever made a film? etc)... or an animal (Do I live in Africa? Do I eat meat? Am I very big?) ... or really anything. |