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Unread Jul 12th, 2006, 10:11 pm
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Default Re: What games are suitable for adults?

I feel the same about the touchy feely stuff. It's very much a part of Korean culture and it's very difficult for some native English teachers. It was a big shock to me!

Having said that I find it very acceptable to "play" with the younger generation especially shaking hands and giving hi-fives. When doing TPR I always demo with a kid in the class and the kids get a huge laugh out of that. However I can't see myself doing that with adults much. (Adults are a lot heavier than kids )

The game that I mostly use is Scrabble where the students put in some money. They love it but that's probably 'cas I was used to teaching men in company classes.

I teach mother's now every Friday and I know that they would find it boring if I did that to them so I have played some games especially with a sponge ball. They have to ask a question and throw the ball to another person who answers the question and then asks another. Simple enough game but the loved it. I bought in a couple of extra balls (depends on class size) and they had to use all the balls at the same time which proved to be very funny. Again I can't see me playing this game much with 50 year old managers but I will give it a try.

Especially for adults it's a bit of hit and miss. But bring along a sponge ball or some board games and it can be interesting
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