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Unread Jul 12th, 2006, 07:15 am
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
Ninja Fighting Teacher
Join Date: Jan 16th, 2006
Location: South Korea
Age: 44
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Default Re: What age group do you prefer?

I prefer to teach adults. I am currently teaching kids and I love them too but I would take an adult class over a kids class if I had a choice. The last job that I was in was excellent and I loved teaching company and uni students. However that meant that I had to prepare more that I would have to for kids but I found that when I went into the elementary school that I am at I had to prepare so much more than I thought I would!

My reasons for going into the elementary school and not the adult school was simple. Most of the jobs for adults have work from 6 in the morning and finish late at night on a split shift whereas teaching kids is a block shift. I hate split shifts so I stuff with the kids

My next job will be teaching company classes and I will try and teach in a school or two, like an after school program if it's possible.
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