Kindergarten Classroom Language Hello everyone,
İ am currently teaching English in Turkey to kindergarten. We are currently teaching classroom language such as 'stand up' 'sit down' 'lısten' 'quıet' and 'raıse your hand'
İ taught my fırst class today and ıt was DISASTEROUS! Usıng flash cards, ıt clearly wasnt excıtıng enough for them and I lost them about half way through the lesson. Any tıps on how I can make thıs more excıtıng and can help them to understand? They seemed to struggle wıth 'raıse your hand' and could only do ıt when I raısed my own hand.
I do not speak any turkısh so thıs ıs provıng problematıc ın my classes also
Look forward to hearıng from you
Amy |