Re: kids camp help URGENTLY needed Run a search on this website with the word "icebreaker" and you will find some activities you may like.
Also, if possible, find some activities that take at least 30 minutes of class time. That way you don't need too many activities each day.
Some place, I can't remember where, I saw this activity that looked like a ton of fun. The students work in groups (you set the size) and each group creates a menu for a restaurant. Not only that, but they create the dishes, and you encourage them to be as creative as possible. Maybe someone comes up with "fish in chocolate sauce." The dishes don't necessarily need to be appealing! This for sure will be good for a lot of laughs. Plus the students have to write the menus and you can turn this part into an art project too. What do you think?
Last edited by bread_baker : Aug 22nd, 2010 at 03:24 pm.
Reason: word changes