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Unread Jun 30th, 2006, 02:21 am
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Default Re: planning a curriculum

Hi Stanley
I had a free reign in planning my classes curriculum. I had 4 classes ranging from 6-12 years old and within each class there was a varying ability.
I would suggest sitting down with a big calendar and starting with your objectives and expected achievements for the month ahead. You can then break it down week by week. For example, in one week with a class I would devote two days to phonic work and three to the text book. If the text book subject was numbers and colours, I would then look for other backup material to complement that. Also to stop the kids getting fed up with constantly getting out their books I blocked in a couple of days a month of "fun English" where we'd do something different - listen to songs, play games etc.
It helped me focus a lot as I had decided what "topics" were to be covered but I was also able to be flexible and adapt the plan if I needed to. Obviously some things we would cover quickly and others took longer and for me to have a schedule blocked out gave me some kind of structure that I could hang each day's lesson off. It also proved useful as when you get to the next months planning you have an idea of where to go with content.

Hope that made some sense!
Good luck!
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