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Unread May 2nd, 2010, 10:49 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: How to use Question without subject?

Quote thadajirajaras View Post
Can I get rid The word inside () in these sentences?
1) I love playing batminton and (I) want to play with you.
2)I will marry you because (I) love you
3) You (have to go into that room) then I have to go into that room.
4)He loves you but (he) wants to go.
1 and 4 - yes. And and but are co-ordinating conjunctions. Any element of the clause following a co-ordinating conjunction which is a repetition of an element in the first clause can be omitted.

3 - yes.
then often acts as a co-ordinator, and when it does can follow the rule above.

2 - no.
because is a subordinating conjunction, and the rule is not the same. The subject must be repeated here.

PS - you still haven't understood the idea of different questions in different threads. If you have a different question, go out of the forum and then come back in and start again with a new post, giving it a new title. Don't click on the reply button in a previous question.
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