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Unread Apr 27th, 2010, 07:46 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: there is VS. has

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i thought of some ideas but they need a little more:

There's some rain in the forecast later today.
There's some rain on the way this afternoon.
Mark - I fed it into a concordancer and got :

in spring when there is more chance of rain ...
If during the day there is rain, cloud, wind and sun, then there will be much ...
If there is rain and snow, and it is icy, the harvest will be ...
... up as drainage channels when there is heavy rain, so the soil is carried away to the ditches,
... countries, where there is more sun and little rain, irrigation is the norm.
But there is no shortage of rain in the tropics.
If there is fairly regular rain and heavy dews watering is not necessary.
unless there is heavy rain this weekend,
another month before there is any substantial rain.
Although there is likely to be some rain and showers, it doesn't look like it is going ...
... if there is rain this week ..
.... frozen or anytime there--there is a lot of rain, they are going

It's interesting how, as in the examples you thought of, it seems that there are almost always intervening words between "there is" and "rain". And also how it occurs almost exclusively in a subordinate clause introduced by when/if/unless/although etc.
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