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Unread Jun 17th, 2006, 01:56 am
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livinginkorea livinginkorea is offline
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Default Re: Teacher Training?

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LIK - What is making you lean toward TEFL and not MATESOL, MEd. or MA in Applied Linguistics? And where were you thinking of doing it?

I'm just currious.
I am from Ireland so it's all TEFL in that part of the world I think. I didn't see anything much related to TESOL before I came here. It was all TEFL.

I was thinking about doing the Linguistics one but my soon to be wife is in that field and I thought that if I did that then I would be lazy and just asking her to help me

I really liked the course that I did. Of course I hate the grammar part of it but that's expected most of us as we don't think about what we say or why we say it. Since I got a taste of it I've decided to do my Masters in TEFL by distance learning through the University of Brimingham in England. It will allow me to work and study at the same time. The course will take about 2 years starting in October. It costs about 2,000 euros (2 million won give or take) every 4 months which is a module.

My main reason for doing a Masters is that in the future I won't stay in Korea and I am hoping to settle back in Ireland with an ESL job. It'll be difficult but the masters will give me more options in the future. Of course there are many other countries that I can try.
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