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Unread Apr 24th, 2010, 07:10 am
thadajirajaras thadajirajaras is offline
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Question Too many questions about grammar amd meaning

There are many questions for me in English. I think these are almost all of my questions so There are maybe too much. Please answer my answers. That's ok for answering just some of my questions. Yhank you.

1) How much to buy it? -->No verb. Is it correct?
2) How much for buying it? --> No verb. Is it correct?
3) It is 3 minutes faster. --> Is this correct? /Is “faster” adj.?/ So 3 minutes is adv.?
It is faster (for) 3 minutes. --> How different?
4) How much (for) money/your car? --> No verb Is it correct?
5) There are 3 more % fibres.
There are 3% more fibres.
There are more 3% fibres. --> How different?
6) What the hell is it? --> Is this correct?
What is the hell? --> How different?
What nice/happiness is it? --> To use adj./noun after what?
What is it happiness? --> How different?
Why nice/happiness is it?
Why is it happiness? --> How different?
7) I had never been Australia before but (now) I have been Australia (for 5 weeks). --> Is this correct tense?
8) I’m 20 year olds --> Is “olds” noun? , How old are you --> Is “old” adj.?
9) I never though
I never think/smoke
I had/have never though--> How different?
I never did
I never do --> How different?
10) I did it for 3 hours.
I (always) do it for 3 hours.
I had done it for 3 hours (when he met me). --> How different?
11) I did it from/since last year to yesterday. --> Is this correct?
I had done it from/since last year to yesterday. --> Is this correct?
12) Have to/need/want --> Is it not necessary to use continuous or future tense for these verbs?
13) I had always been scared.
I always was happy --> Can I use “always” with this two sentences? How different?
14) It is a course in CIT that starts tomorrow. It is a course in CIT starting tomorrow. --> Which is correct?
15) I thought that there is there is nothing in this room
I thought that there is there was nothing in this room--> How different?
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