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Unread Mar 19th, 2010, 10:35 pm
Dave-B Dave-B is offline
eslHQ Zealot
Join Date: Mar 19th, 2010
Location: Canada
Posts: 68
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Default Re: 'Have I got" or 'Do I have'?

Here are all the ways I say and teach possession going from formal to very informal:

I have a dog. Normal
I have got a dog. Slang, but common
I've got a dog. Slang, but common
I got a dog. Very informal slang

The one difference between Canada/U.S. and Britain is the question:

Have you any sugar?

We would never say this in North America. We would say, "do you have any sugar" or "have you got any sugar?"

A very quick and informal question that would be common could be this:

You got enough time?
You got any change for the bus?

Those are my thoughts....
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