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Unread Mar 18th, 2010, 09:02 am
Prax Cortez Prax Cortez is offline
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Default Re: Diffference between "not to" and "to not"

Hi Sue,

You are right. I meant not+to + infinitive, and thanks for your explanation.

In case of to as a preposition, how do you explain it grammatically?

In the following sentences there are two to’s:

1. I told you “to” not to play that game…
2. I told you “to” not to drive that car…
3. I told you “to” not to come out in public…
4. I told you “to” not to worry!

Questions: 1. Is the use of the first to correct? 2. If the use of the first to is correct, then what is its function in the sentence? 3. If the above sentences are wrong, how do we correct them?

Are the sentences below parallel? Please discuss grammatically.
1. I told you to not to worry - I told you not to worry
2. I told you to not to drive - I told you not to drive
3. I told you to not to come out in public – I told you not to come out in public

I appreciate your extra time and efforts.
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