1. If you could teach ESL anywhere in the world, where would it be? hhhmmm I'm not sure but it would have to be somewhere with COOL weather!! I hate hot and humid and most of Japan is hot and humid!
2. What's your favorite drink between classes?
I usually drink water or tea at JR High.
3. Funniest/Worst ESL classroom moment?
Cute and funny

- In Japan there are trucks that go around selling food with their speakers annoucing what they are selling. I was teaching my student the phrase "I like..." and he heard the truck annoucing "gyoza". So he decided to Sing... "I like ... gggyyyyoooooozzzaaaaaa"
4. How do you usually spend your day(s) off?
I usually stay at home, watching movies, reading books or working on new games for my students and do laundry and clean *ugh*
5. If Hollywood were making a movie about you, who would play you? I wouldn't have a clue, but it would be nice to have Sandra Bullock play me