Cool... I've never heard of the Jeapordy warmer... will use it soon..
Here are some I use with my high school kids.. works for adults advance class as well.
I ask the students to think of an adjective that describes them using the first or last Initial of their first or last name.. (in case there are any Y's or Z's in there) then studetns volunteer to go around the room and name the person and their adjective
I ask students as they walk into the class to cut a piece of string... any length they choose.... once everyone has their piece of string I ask them to say as many things about themselves for every wrap around their little finger ( thumb if it is a big class)
I have an assortment of magazine pictures of houses and homes cut out.. as the students come into class I ask them to select a home they would like to live in... on the back of the picture is a number ( the numbers double the house made of straw is #2 and the mansion is #2) when all have pictures I ask them to turn the picture around and find their mate, they must then tell their mate why they chose the house they did and their info age.. etc..... give five or ten minutes (depends on size of class) once they have done this using the number order 1-??? have the pairs introduce each other to the rest of the class....and tell why their partner pick the house they chose...
these are very successful.. it gives the class a feeling of trust and gets them speaking the language or if they are beginners they find ways of comminucating using body language or what ever little bit of the language they might know..
beware... I teach classes of 35 ...when they are this big it takes at least two days to complete the warm up..35 kids 42 minutes....if your teaching time is longer kudos.....