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Unread Jun 1st, 2006, 08:00 pm
TLR TLR is offline
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Default Re: Using photocopied materials in the classroom?

I also heard about the 10% thing! I think most teachers photocopy from books. I know even teachers working for the school boards do it too. If you work at a school where there's a tired old sylllabus and set course book then maybe not but if you are tailor making your plans to meet the needs of your students then you're bound to. Personally I don't have a problem with it. Everyone records CD's (or used to - I'm a bit behind the times - all this downloading is beyond me!!). Getting fed up of "constantly violating copyright rules and promoting other authors and publishing companies" is a fine display of morals but I don't think most teachers have the time or money to worry about that (though good for you of course). Most establishments can't afford to buy all the resources needed and most teachers don't have time to invent their own.
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