Re: 101 Ways To Use Your Whiteboard - the challenge 37 - to play hangman
38 - to write anagrams
39 - to play tic tac toe
40 - to write questions for the listening exercises
41 - to write student's names to keep running totals for those who refuse to speak in English and leave their home language alone for 2 minutes much to the distraction of their own learning and the rest of the class
42 - to write rhymes/poems
43 - to play class word associations
44 - to play spot the differences (if you're there prior to the class and have any art skills whatsoever!)
45 - to show skeleton essay structures
46 - to explain tag questions in different colours
47 - to practice numbers and letter pronunciation (eg. 6 six 36 thirty six, 736, 7364,...adding numbers to each side)
48 - to draw a clock - amazing how many high advanced students still struggle to tell the time
49 - to write the date (and ask how to read it in British and American)
MY FAVOURITE - 50 - to write a quote of the day/word of the day/impossible riddle of the day
51 - to write group numbers and information before a test. |