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Unread Oct 22nd, 2009, 05:12 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: radial=one who's given birth before?

I think (I'm not an expert) the word you need is para. I remembered being termed an "aged primipara" when I had my son (you tend not to forget - or forgive - a description like that) and looking it up, found this on mondofacto | medical dictionary

Para :
<obstetrics> A woman who has given birth to one or more infants. Para followed by a roman numeral or preceded by a Latin prefix (primi-, secundi-, terti-, quadri-, etc.) designates the number of times a pregnancy has culminated in a single or multiple birth; e.g. Para I, primipara; a woman who has given birth for the first time, para II, secundipara; a woman who has given birth for the second time to one or more infants.

Hope that helps,

Yours decrepitly,
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