I'm a 18 year old law student with a diploma from trinity college london for effective communication and oral communication. And i have also studied spoken english for elocution for 5years and i have passed all my grade exams with distinctions so i started to volunteer at an orphanage to teach kid's english as a second language.
I will have to teach 3 groups of kid's between 15-18, 11-14 and 5-10 on different days. But these kid's don't know any english at all but the matron told me to emphasize more on spoken english for the 15-18 year olds because they will be leaving the orphanage once they turn 19 in order to work.
All these kid's learn english in school but they always fail their english paper it seems. I speak,read and write their native language fluently so communication won't be a problem. I don't know from where to start and i'm really nervous because i'm startin from this saturday(12th of sept)! i bought 2 books that i thought would help me out to teach these kids. I bought the Wren & Martin High School Grammar & Composition book and Raymond Murphy's Essential English Grammar book but those 2 books start with different places. As in one book starts with constructing sentences (phrases and clauses) whereas the other starts with i/is/are and tenses. So i don't know from where to start!

I thought of starting from the alphabet itself! and though that matron told me to teach one batch spoken english, i thought of teaching them grammar and composition 1st. Can i please have some tips on teaching these kids? if you could specify how i should handle each batch it would be awesome!And how should i start the lesson on the 1st day? like the introduction/ice breaker?will it be a problem keeping the oldest group interested because i'm also almost their age?The 1st group i will be teaching is the 15-18group.