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Unread Jun 28th, 2009, 12:04 pm
STCrowley STCrowley is offline
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Default Re: especially vs speciffically

Hey, Majid:

I think I use these words differently (in my American English). When I think about these two statements, it's a bit more clear to me: "The recession has cost jobs in the United States, particularly in Detroit." "The recession has cost jobs in the United States, especially in Detroit."

Both sentences seem to mean the same thing, but I think they're slightly different: 'particularly' sounds like the problem is more localized in Detroit. . . but may be in other areas. In the other sentence, with 'especially,' it sounds like the problem is national, but Detroit is one of the areas hit hardest.

Specifically--and this shouldn't be surprising if you read Beatrix's note that it's a synonym of particularly--is a word I use to narrow a statement down. "I didn't like the President's speech, particularly the part where he called English teachers 'ignorant and self-centered.'" (To my knowledge, no President has ever said that in a speech.) When I say 'particularly the part. . .' it's my way of 'narrowing' the earlier statement to a smaller, more specific subject. (That's why it's a synonym of specifically, after all.)

I hope this has helped. Sorry there are so many parenthesis. I should try to cut back.
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