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Unread May 14th, 2009, 02:52 pm
ivoryflower ivoryflower is offline
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Default Re: Pronunciation games and activities

Hi Florelena,

With my class, we play Around the World. I have flashcards with syllables on them (colour-coded so that I can use more difficult ones for the more advanced students). We go up and down the rows of the class, starting at one end of the room. The person who first pronounces the syllable correctly moves on to the next person, and so on. If they get an answer wrong, they sit in the spot of the person who won that round, and the new person continues until they get a wrong answer (or win!).

I make sure to show the card to the entire class, and repeat how to pronounce the syllable before I move on to the next set.

I hope I explained that well.

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