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Unread Apr 8th, 2009, 09:48 am
STCrowley STCrowley is offline
eslHQ Zealot
Join Date: Apr 5th, 2009
Posts: 96
STCrowley is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Integration Overseas. ..


I have the problem now that I talk to my students--the higher level ones, anyway--like friends, but then they vanish after six months or a year and for them I was a 'friendly teacher' but I don't really have the "call up for a coffee" friendships. The gym is an idea, but it costs money. (My mother wants me to find a church.)

Have you heard of Couch Surfing? I do some things through them, and I imagine they're organized where you are. I also recently started going to an English club that meets every two weeks here in town. I feel like I'm compromising--I know that I'm most 'useful' to them because I know English and can explain why "I have eaten breakfast yesterday" is wrong--but it's nice just to talk to people.

Every so often I feel like I should join a club--Germans join clubs--but I wouldn't know what for! Maybe there's an adult-piano-learners club here.

Anyone else have other ideas?
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