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Unread Mar 22nd, 2009, 01:34 pm
yamwhatIyam yamwhatIyam is offline
Join Date: Mar 22nd, 2009
Age: 59
Posts: 3
yamwhatIyam is on a distinguished road
Talking Re: Does anyone have experience starting language school?

I just did start a school. I'm from Hawaii, too! There was a real shortage of language schools in my current USA city. I rented a 2-room office of 340 sq. ft. and I have a few students so far and am building on that. Rents are reasonable right now, but they are going to require me to pay $850.00 to appear before the City Council to have my business license request approved. This is on top of the license fee, which is generally around $200 or $250. They won't tell me how much the fee is going to be until the request is approved... It's a little difficult to plan expenses when the bureaucracy is tough to pin down.

I am having fun, though! I don't think I'll ever make much money, and am not sure I'll ever hire anyone besides myself, but we'll see...
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