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Unread Mar 14th, 2009, 03:39 pm
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Join Date: Feb 25th, 2009
Location: In the South of Spain
Posts: 121
English-coach is on a distinguished road
Wink Most Embarrassing "Language" moment!

I'd like to see what happens here...

We all make mistakes when learning a new language, but sometimes these mistakes turn out to be quite hilarious or embarrassing. I'd like to know what has happened to you. Tell me your story.

I'll get the ball rolling.

I am Canadian and I currently live in Spain. My moment happened when I was meeting my Spanish boyfriend's parents for the first time.

Earlier that afternoon Paco and I had had lunch at a local restaurant and we were served by an Argentinean waiter. I was pretty new to Spain and I wasn't used to his accent so I had a hard time understanding him. Anyways we had a wonderful lunch and went back to Paco's parent’s house.

When we arrived they asked us about our lunch and I was eager to tell them all about it. So in my pretty poor Spanish I explained where we went, and what we ate. I also wanted to tell them that our waiter was Argentinean and that I didn't understand him very well.

To make a long story short I made a mistake with the word waiter saying a@@hole instead of waiter. To make matters worse I repeated it like 6 times!

I didn't realize a thing because Paco's parents just smiled and nodded until Paco corrected me.

Paco didn't mention what I had actually been saying, it until much later that evening when we were alone. Needless to say, I was mortified. What a first impression!!! HAHA
************************************************ it's your turn? Do you have any similar stories to tell? I think sharing these stories is a great way to show everyone that mistakes happen to everyone...and some are a bit more amusing than others!

I look forward to seeing what people post.

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