HIGH HOURLY PAY PT JOBS in Keelung, Taiwan. MORE FREE TIME for yourself HIGH HOURLY PAY PT JOBS in Keelung, Taiwan. MORE FREE TIME for yourself
Contact Ted Lien
t e d @ d e - w e y . c o m . t w
Job Code: ted090001
School Type: cram school
School Location: Keelung City (Near Taipei) TAIWAN
Students age: 3~12
Class size: 15~20
Teaching Material: by school
Transportation: 10 minutes scooter from Keelung train station
Teaching hours MON 9am~12am
TUE 9am~12am
WED 9am~12am
THUR 9am~12am
FRI 9am~12am
Salary: TWD 650/hour
Requirements: "Native English Speaker
(UK, IRE, USA, CAN, AUS, NZ, SA preferred)
Bachelor's degree or above
or 2-3 year Diploma+teaching certification
Degree diplomas MUST be sent to nearest
"Taipei Economic and Culture Representative Office" for accredation.
For location, please google
Experience: 1 year
Teacher needed: 1 person
Needed before: Feb 5th 2009
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