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Unread Jan 1st, 2009, 10:36 pm
tigerenglish1 tigerenglish1 is offline
eslHQ Zealot
Join Date: Dec 4th, 2007
Location: Waterford, Ireland
Posts: 71
tigerenglish1 is on a distinguished road
Default Teach English in South Korea - 5 Teachers wanted

Location: Bucheon, Seoul metropolitan area

Salary: 2.1-2.3 million won

Starting date: mid-late Februaray

Type of students: Kinder/Elementary school students

Maximum teaching hours per week: 30

Working hours: 10 am -6 or 7 pm

Working week: Mon - Friday

Overtime payment: 18,000 won per hour

How to Apply to teach English in South Korea:
Please complete our online application My Profile | Tiger English

Contact Us:
Tiger English
T: 00 353 51 347 227
W: Tiger English Start Teaching English Overseas Today! | Tiger English

Registered Office
Tiger English,
Maypark House,
Maypark Lane,
Waterford City,

Number of current foreign instructors in this institute: 8

Type of housing: single (rent free)

Airfare: Prepaid/free of charge

Contract Completion bonus: yes

Holidays: 10 days of paid vacation in addition to public holidays

Medical Insurance: 50% paid by employer