HELP PLEASE Hello to All,
I am a first year teacher, licensed in French, and find myself in the position of teaching 2 ESL classes. I have some experience working with ELL's, but no real formal training. My one class up until today consisted of 1 student who is fluent in English, but is extremely learning disabled. Today I received a new student who says he has studied English for about 7 years in his native country, but it is clear that his English is extremely limited.
I know that now I must differentiate, but I don't know how, or where to start. I have very little support at my school, and the other ESL teacher has not really been very helpful. I have not been given a curriculum, I only know that my students must pass the NYSESLAT.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions of books, websites, anything that might give me a starting point and a reference? Thank you so much!
MsB |