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Unread Nov 21st, 2008, 09:20 pm
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Default Re: Ideas are appreciated ...

Thanks for the link, it's very informative!

Well I had my first "new" student class yesterday... it went pretty good (though I was a nervous wreck up until roughly 10-15 minutes in to the class). The night before, I drew the four seasons, and made small cut-out clothing/accessories. I had my student tell me the name of each article of clothing and in which season they are best used. I made it memorable by acting like I was trying to fit myself in to the tiny paper clothing!

This morning my student sent me a message (in English) telling me she could not remember the Spanish word for "earmuffs" (orejeras). Haha, I was expecting her to tell me that she could not remember the English word for "earmuffs"... Nice!

My first student whom I've been teaching now for about 3 months has asked me to evaluate him. So next week I have that to look forward to. I, in return asked him to give me feedback on my job as his teacher and to let me know which areas or themes he would most like to learn next (we are just finishing with "Parts of the Body").

So now my "not-so-much-anymore" dilemma is how to create an eval set... Thankfully I have, a couple of mentors that also teach EFL and loads of gold-mine sites and forums to research ;-)

And that's all she wrote about that.
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