I have heard that quite a bit but I have a hard time being a hard a$$ - not that I can't be a b!tch at times

but I find myself being more frustrated than anything. But I have only taught one week so far. Wanjan (Monday- hey, I am trying) I am going beyond introduction 'warmers' and using a "lesson plan" ACK *good nauture grin*
Quote livinginkorea I made the mistake of not being strict in my first few classes. I was totally unprepared especially in the whole area of discipline. They walked all over me.
Everytime a newbie asks me for teaching tips I always stress that you have to be a total hard *** for the first couple of weeks until the kids realise that you are the boss. After the (battle) lines have been drawn then you can relax and be yourself. Do it the other way around and you are up against it.
-livinginkorea |