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Unread Sep 28th, 2008, 12:56 pm
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: Since+ Present Simple

Really interesting. All the textbooks will tell you it's wrong and that would be my gut reaction too. If I saw it in a student's work I'd certainly correct it to He's taught ... or possibly He's been teaching ...

But - I've found the following on Google ...

From Canadian sites : Since 2004 he holds the same position .... / Since 2000, he teaches in the Faculty of Communication and Design ...

From an Australian site : Since 2000 he teaches physics of the oceans ...

And from a British site : Since 2000 he teaches "Visual "Communication" at SUPSI in Lugano

However, in each case the description is of a non-native speaker and although written in the 3rd person, was probably contributed by the person themself.

So - I'm going for incorrect. But I have to say that it sounds almost right, and clearly slipped through the net on these native-speaker university sites.

Langauge changes constantly, and the importance of English as a Lingua Franca means that a new variety is fast developing. Apart from not needing idioms, phrasal verbs and so on, proficient ELF learners are also pushing this variety of the language towards a grammatically simpler form. I've suggested for a while now that in International English the present perfect will be one of the first things to go and to be accepted as correct by native speakers - looks like I might be right.
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