At the start of the semester...I showed the students a power point photo show about my home in Australia... Things I like and like to do etc...I then made lists on the board (as they called out) of things that they like (animals,food,sport and recreation,... I then threw a fluffy dice into the crowd of students...basically,whoever caught it, rolled the dice and whatever number it landed on...well that was the amount of things they had to tell me about themselves. That student then threw the dice to someone else....and on and on
If the students didn't want to catch it ...I made it that if it hit them, they had to answer(It's a soft fluffy dice) or whoever it was closest to. It was a good introductory lesson that also went over well...For the more advanced Junior 3 students who were quite capable of telling me a lot about themselves, I just used a big soft (blow up)rubber ball the same way and they had to say the works

It kind of turned into an English "Brandy ball game" lesson though...