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Unread Sep 4th, 2008, 08:25 am
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Default Re: Regarding contracts in Korea I need opinion


If they are changing stuff on you already, this is definitely a red flag. I would start looking for another job because once you're there, it's even harder to get out of your contract. I'd say to cut your ties with this recruiter/school and start looking at the other 1000 jobs you can find on the web.

While it's good to keep your banking statements and such, I believe that money earned overseas (as long as it's under 70,000USD/year) does not have to be declared. I don't think the IRS can tax you on your earnings because you will already have paid your korean taxes. You shouldn't have to pay taxes twice.

I was in Korea for 6 years. I loved it! I think studying the language will make your experience 1000% better. Great idea to get a head start.

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