Last year I taught a 2 Semester class using the "CAE RESULT!" Course book. I start teaching again in October, but for this year the school has changed the length of an exam course from 3 Semesters to 4. (1 semester is about 4 months, with 2x90 minute classes per week)
Which means I now have to teach the same class for 2 more semesters. The problems I face are that;
a. The exam format has now been changed for 2008/2009
b. The school wants to use the "new" CAE RESULT! book
c. The new book has about 10-20% new material (mainly restructuring of previous material)
d. The school will not allow me to use another book as they have a 'deal' with the publisher of CAE RESULT!
I am unsure how I can use the same book, with the same class for another two semesters!
I don't have the time, resources nor experience to develop fresh exam suitable material for each lesson.
Of course I supplemented the course with additional 'authentic' material taken from news sites and literary texts as well as my own material to supplement teaching. The main problem I had with the book was that it was quite thin in terms of material any way. It had nice texts but everything else I felt was lacking substance.
What would you do? What could you propose or recommend?
I would really appreciate some advice as I only have a few weeks before the start of the new semester.