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Unread Sep 4th, 2008, 02:15 am
katan-ko katan-ko is offline
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Default Re: Regarding contracts in Korea I need opinion

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate your opinion.
Actually the agency has made more than one change, one in location of school and the contract was less than that posted on Serious So this sign when you arrive sort of bothers me, what if they never get around to it or tell me well, we don't have the enrollment yet so until we achieve X number of students we will pay an even lower amount.

The IRS can and probably will require the contract and possibly banking statements from teachers returning from abroad under some circumstances. I was told to keep a copy of the contract and banking records.Also US Customs is cracking down on luxury goods purchased in Korea. The declaration forms are checked twice since 9/11.

How long have you been in Korea? Do you enjoy it. I am studying Korean and have prepared my own phrase book for things I might not remember how to say. I also have a notebook with information for parents in English and Korean translated on Yahoo Babel Fish. I'd like to hear more from ESL teachers in Korea. Thanks a lot.
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