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Unread Aug 28th, 2008, 09:41 pm
rabble rabble is offline
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rabble is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Where can an ESL teacher get the best pay package?Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul,


I have a working visa and work for the company that issued it. I also take on other jobs and the company is aware of that and it is not a problem as they can't give me enough hours.

I will take on an extra 12 classes next month, I know I may be overdoing it but I have financial goals that I want to achieve.

I think with your qualifications and experience you should be able to secure a position at a lot more than I make and with less hours.

I didn't quite understand. Are you taking a sabbatical and honing your language skills at home or in China?

Whichever, sounds like a good plan.

Our housekeeper has gone back to her hometown and we have a cleaner come in 3 times a week. I really don't like having a housekeeper (too intrusive).
The 3 times a week arrangment suits me better.

I can get into the kitchen now and I like cleaning the fridge myself, I can throw out stuff that has gone off, although with some Chinese ingredients and condiments it's a bit hit and miss.
My greatest luxury is haing my laundry done professionally at the laundry across the road. I detest ironing.

Good luck with your plans.

Dennis is right I wouldn't take any less in Shanghai, lots to do and spend there
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