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Unread Aug 14th, 2008, 12:58 am
rabble rabble is offline
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rabble is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Working Overseas...Has it changed you?

I think I have become a lot more forceful in my teaching, more confident now to give the students a verbal kick up the *** than before.

I used to pander more to their "wants" Now I give them what I think they need.
This is probably more of an experience thing than a culture thing.

Actually having been in China for 7 years, I kowtowed to the students too much, now I feel I want to challenge them which I am doing and it is making some of them uncomfortable.
This is probably going a bit off topic but I have had a frustrating morning.

This may sound strange but I have really been in my honeymoon period for nearly seven years in China and it is like the world has shifted on it's axis and my perception is changing.

Less of a bleeding heart. A lot more pragmatic about people and the surroundings.

Good thread
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