Some books are 'reproducible' meaning you are allowed to make photocopies to hand out to students. My (MES-E) resources are all reproducible for this purpose. However, teachers/schools can't charge students in any form for the resources.
Some teachers copy pages from texts that aren't reproducible and yes that is copyright infringement, and could spell more trouble if they charge for those copied pages.
Is it allowed to copy single pages out of a textbook and then use those pages to teach English and earn money? |
The salary earned for the teaching position probably doesn't play a part in this. They would earn that money regardless of the materials used.
I think the problem is greed. Everybody wants something for nothing. The more something for nothing the better. One of the top keywords for internet searches is 'free.' Many people don't want to pay, even though they should/could. I have people download and download from me when I know they can't possibly use all that they have downloaded (at least not this year.)
Maybe more people ought to concider a tip or services
Also, I probably should say that is all Eric. I just hang out here.