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Unread Jul 11th, 2008, 02:58 am
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Clive Hawkins
Join Date: Aug 1st, 2006
Location: Italy
Posts: 454
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Default It's holiday time ! !

Hello everyone,

Well today I finish the last of my courses, and this year have decided not to do any summer work. As I won't be on the site for a while I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a good summer, whatever you do and wherever you go.

As for me, I'll be staying in Sardinia. My wife is from the east coast(the red dot on the island) which has some of the best beaches in the world.

Here's where I go fishing, just in front of the tall rock

and the rest of the time relax on the beach with my family

If and when it gets too hot (frequently 35-40 in the summer!), we head up the mountain to get some cooler air.

If anyone else has been \ is going on holiday, show us your pics too.
Take care,
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